pigment removal coral gables florida

Transform Your Skin with BBL + Moxi Treatment

Esthetics by Halima in Coral Gables, FL, offers the revolutionary BBL+ Moxi treatment to address a variety of skin concerns and unlock a rejuvenated appearance. This advanced treatment combines Broad Band Light (BBL) technology with Moxi technology to effectively diminish pigmentation, reduce fine lines, and restore a youthful glow.

Number and duration of BBL+ Moxi Treatments Needed

To achieve optimal results, we typically recommend a series of BBL+ Moxi treatments. The number of sessions required will depend on your specific skin condition and desired outcome. During your consultation, our knowledgeable team will assess your needs and design a personalized treatment plan. On average, a BBL+ Moxi session lasts approximately 30-45 minutes, depending on the areas being treated and the extent of the condition.

Is BBL+Moxi Suitable for Me?

Determining the suitability of BBL+ Moxi for your skin concerns is best done through a consultation with our experienced professionals. We will evaluate your skin condition, discuss your goals, and recommend the most effective treatment options, including BBL+ Moxi.

How BBL+Moxi Works

BBL+ Moxi combines the power of Broad Band Light (BBL) and Moxi technologies. BBL targets pigmentation irregularities and stimulates collagen production, while Moxi enhances skin texture and tone. This innovative combination works synergistically to deliver remarkable results.

Discover the revolutionary CoolTouch laser Rejuvenation

We offer cutting-edge CoolTouch laser treatment for remarkable facial rejuvenation. This minimally invasive procedure stimulates collagen growth, effectively reducing the appearance of age-related skin concerns such as wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scarring. With the added benefits of a cooling spray, the CoolTouch laser provides a comfortable patient experience, catering to various skin pigmentation and severe scarring issues that other laser procedures may not address.

The CoolTouch Laser Procedure

Utilizing the power of an infrared laser and a cooling spray, the CoolTouch laser promotes collagen growth and restores the skin from within. The treatment is safe for all skin types and particularly beneficial for patients with severe acne scarring or skin pigmentation concerns. Prior to the procedure, a topical anesthetic is applied to ensure patient comfort. The laser delivers the cooling spray, allowing the laser light to pass through the skin’s upper layers. This light stimulates cells to produce collagen, resulting in improved skin tone, diminished wrinkles and fine lines, and reduced visibility of acne scars. The virtually painless procedure typically takes 15 to 30 minutes and can be performed on delicate areas around the eyes and mouth.

Long-lasting Results and Maintenance

Results from CoolTouch laser treatments vary by patient and depend on the severity of the skin condition being treated. Optimal results often require multiple sessions, with improvements typically noticeable by the second or third treatment. The gradual nature of CoolTouch laser results means that continued improvements can be observed over time. To sustain the growth of new collagen, regular follow-up sessions every few months are recommended. Depending on specific skin concerns, the CoolTouch laser can be combined with other treatments like glycolic peels, microdermabrasion, or BOTOX® Cosmetic injections for enhanced outcomes. Maintaining a healthy skincare regimen post-treatment is encouraged.

Reveal Radiant, Youthful Skin with Laser Skin Resurfacing

At Esthetics by Halima in Coral Gables, FL, we offer advanced laser skin resurfacing treatments using the Syneron CO2 laser. Our laser treatments effectively target and counteract the effects of acne, aging, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, scars, and poor nutrition, resulting in smoother, healthier-looking skin. With minimal downtime, laser skin resurfacing using the Syneron CO2 laser is a safe and efficient way to achieve significant skin improvement.

Reasons for Syneron CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

Syneron CO2 laser skin resurfacing is sought after for various reasons related to dissatisfaction with one’s appearance. The procedure can help:

  • Reduce or eliminate wrinkles and stretch marks
  • Diminish the appearance of scars
  • Rejuvenate non-responsive skin after a facelift
  • Remove age spots or spider veins
  • Repair sun-damaged skin
  • Improve skin tone affected by melasma or other causes
  • Remove warts or birthmarks
  • Minimize the size of enlarged pores
  • Eliminate tattoos

Types of Laser Resurfacing with Syneron CO2 Laser

Laser skin resurfacing with the Syneron CO2 laser can be categorized into two types: ablative and non-ablative.

Ablative Laser Resurfacing:
Ablative treatments with the Syneron CO2 laser remove a layer of skin and provide more dramatic results with fewer sessions. This deeper penetration requires a longer healing period.

Non-Ablative Resurfacing:
Non-ablative treatments with the Syneron CO2 laser stimulate collagen growth and tighten the underlying skin without removing skin tissue. They are gentler, require less downtime, and are suitable for less extensive repairs.

During fractional ablative laser resurfacing with the Syneron CO2 laser, smaller areas of skin are targeted with laser microbeams, offering noticeable results and shorter downtime compared to conventional ablative treatments.

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment

At Esthetics by Halima in Coral Gables, FL, we offer the highly effective Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment to address various skin conditions and combat signs of photoaging. With its popularity rising, more patients are turning to IPL for remarkable results and a non-invasive treatment experience.

Number of IPL Treatments Required and Duration

To achieve optimal results, we typically recommend a series of five IPL treatments spaced approximately four weeks apart. Depending on your unique skin type and concerns, additional sessions may be recommended. During your initial consultation, we will provide detailed information tailored to your needs. On average, an IPL session takes about 20-30 minutes. However, the duration may vary depending on individual circumstances and treatment areas.

IPL and Skin Types

IPL generally yields better results for lighter-skinned individuals who do not use self-tanning products or have a history of excessive tanning. However, a definitive assessment of IPL’s effectiveness on your skin type will be provided during your consultation. IPL utilizes light energy absorbed by pigmented cells in the skin, similar to laser treatment. The absorbed energy is converted into heat, targeting specific areas such as sunspots or age spots. This thermal damage prompts the skin to generate new, healthier skin cells.

Common Concerns Addressed by IPL

Experience the versatility of IPL in treating a wide range of skin concerns, including

  • Rosacea
  • Facial flushing
  • Redness on the chest and neck
  • Brown spots
  • Sun damage
  • Enlarged pores
  • Spider veins

Discover the Power of a Laser Treatment

Ready to reveal radiant skin? Schedule a consultation appointment at Esthetics by Halima today.