Enhance Your Profile with Kybella
Injectable Treatment

If you’re self-conscious about excess fat or a double chin, surgery may not be your only option. Esthetics by Halima in Coral Gables, FL, offers Kybella, an FDA-approved injectable that targets and dissolves fat cells under the chin, resulting in a more defined profile. Learn more about the benefits of Kybella and how it can transform your appearance. 

Kybella Treatment Plan

During your initial consultation with our experienced staff, we will assess your needs and determine the number of Kybella treatments required. On average, patients see visible results in just two to four treatments, spaced one month apart. Individual treatment plans may vary.

Is Kybella Right for Me?

Kybella is generally suitable for patients who:
  • Are bothered by excess fat or a double chin
  • Desire a more youthful and defined profile
  • Prefer non-surgical options over surgery
  • Struggle to eliminate their double chin through diet and exercise

How Kybella Works?

Kybella contains synthetic deoxycholic acid, which naturally breaks down and absorbs dietary fat. When injected into the targeted area beneath the chin, Kybella destroys fat cells, leading to a noticeably slimmer and more contoured profile.

Achieve Youthful, Smooth Skin with
Restylane Injectable Gel

Restylane is an FDA-approved injectable gel that utilizes the power of hyaluronic acid (HA) to restore volume and elasticity to the skin. As the body ages, HA levels decrease, leading to the formation of lines, wrinkles, and loose skin. Restylane is designed to plump the skin, smooth out lines and wrinkles, and create a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

Targeted Treatment Areas

Restylane is commonly used to address two primary areas: glabellar lines, which are the lines between the eyebrows, and nasolabial folds, which run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Additionally, Restylane is FDA-approved for lip enhancement, providing fuller lips with enhanced definition. Results can last up to six months before the body naturally absorbs the hyaluronic acid.

Benefits of Restylane Injectable Gel

By injecting Restylane gel, you can experience numerous benefits. The gel effectively plumps up glabellar lines and nasolabial folds, visibly reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles and giving the skin a smoother and more youthful look. When used for lip enhancement, Restylane adds volume and definition, creating fuller and more attractive lips.

Restore Collagen and Revitalize Your
Appearance with Sculptra Aesthetic

Sculptra Aesthetic is an FDA-approved injectable designed to combat the signs of facial fat loss that occur with aging. By restoring collagen, which diminishes over time, Sculptra fills shallow-to-deep wrinkles and folds, particularly those from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth (nasolabial folds). This treatment delivers safe and long-lasting results, helping you achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated look.

The Power of Poly-L-lactic Acid (PLLA)

Sculptra Aesthetic’s primary component is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), an alpha hydroxy acid. This synthetic, biocompatible, and biodegradable substance has been widely used in various surgical products for over 20 years. PLLA stimulates collagen production, gradually enhancing your appearance with natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Benefits of Sculptra Aesthetic Facial Injectable

Sculptra Aesthetic is FDA-approved for treating nasolabial folds and has been proven safe and effective for most patients. Its gradual action ensures subtle yet noticeable improvements, providing a more youthful appearance. Although not FDA-approved for marionette lines and chin wrinkles, Sculptra Aesthetic can also address these concerns according to manufacturer Valeant Aesthetics. Not requiring allergy testing, this treatment contains no animal, human, or bacterial components. Experience little-to-no downtime, allowing you to resume your normal activities immediately.

RHA 2/3/4: Advanced Dermal Fillers for
Dynamic Rejuvenation

RHA (Resilient Hyaluronic Acid)

Fillers are specifically formulated to adapt to the dynamic movements of your face, ensuring natural-looking results that maintain facial expressions and flexibility. RHA 2/3/4 offers a comprehensive solution for various facial concerns. RHA 2 is ideal for filling moderate wrinkles and lines, while RHA 3 is specially formulated to address deeper lines and restore volume.
RHA 4, the most robust formulation, is perfect for adding significant volume to areas that require more pronounced enhancement.

Renuva: The Innovative Dermal Filler for
Natural Rejuvenation


We proudly offer Renuva, an advanced dermal filler that elevates skin rejuvenation. Renuva is a groundbreaking injectable treatment designed to restore lost volume and rejuvenate face and body areas. With Renuva, you can achieve natural-looking results that enhance your features and boost your confidence. What sets Renuva apart is its unique composition. Unlike traditional dermal fillers relying on hyaluronic acid, Renuva utilizes processed adipose tissue harvested from your body. Renuva is a natural and safe option, as it minimizes the risk of allergic reactions or adverse side effects.

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Schedule Your Consultation

Our skilled professionals will guide you through the process and help you achieve a rejuvenated, youthful appearance.